
Word Break = Choosing …

Intro In this post we’ll go over the popular leetcode problem Word Break. This posts focuses more on how this problem can be viewed as choosing partitions. I belive that at a first glance it seems like there is no connection between the two so it is a neat discovery to make. In the editorial …

Monotonic Stack/Queue …

Goal Introduces you mainly to the Monotonic Stack in an intuitive way with code snippets included. This post should help you understand when to start thinking of using a monotonic stack. Introduction In some problems like next greater element you see this pattern where one value can trump many …

Processing Tax (Graph …

Goal The goal of this blog is to discuss graph traversal algorithms and give a little more intuition between the flow of the actual code. The blog assumes you are already familiar with Breadth First Search (BFS) and Depth First Search (DFS) algorithms. I would always forget when do you add a node to …

Countdown Pattern

Introduction This pattern is pretty rare but it’s easy to spot once you recognize it. Let’s take a look at two problems that have this pattern. It does not improve your time or space complexity but it makes the overall approach to the code a litte simpler. Koko Eating Bananas …

Choose Unchoose Pattern …

Introduction This is part two of my discussion on the choose unchoose pattern found in programming interview questions. This post will specifically focus on the loop aspect of the pattern. We will use the Combination Sub problem as the application to the concepts. Understanding why a loop also works …

Stable Sort = Complex …

Introduction Sometimes you learn the hard way in life. Con is that there was a potential cost. On the plus side you will likely not forget it. In today’s topic is brought to you by me taking twice as long to complete my interview assessment and potentially failing it for that reason. So the …