Hi, my name is


I build things and like to learn

As beginning developers you’re told the best practices to follow but aren’t shown practical examples. They say make sure you test your code but don’t show you how to fully test a complicated application. That frustration is what I am aiming to mitigate


Fullstack Engineeer - Pullscription
Python TypeScript VueJS NodeJS
June 2021 - present

I am currently co-founding my own company at Pullscription where I work as a full stack developer. We want to bring tools to comic book store owners so that they can focus on their customers and maximize their profits in a more modern way.

  • Created a responsive website for comic book store owners using mobile-first principles with VueJS, HTML, and CSS Architected data ingestion pipelines to handle ~10K/month comic book data entries into MySQL database and AWS S3
  • Designed and implemented scalable RESTful API for backend using TypeScript while maintaining 80% test coverage
  • Mentored team of 4 junior developers to build administrative facing tools to assist comic store owners to manage customer data
Software Engineer - Test Automation - Navis
Java SQL Agile Groovy Jira
Aug 2021 - Jan 2023

I worked as a software engineer with a focus in testing. With contracts worth upwards of a million dollars there is no room for errors. I made sure that features worked as expected while creating tools and infrastructure to simplify this process.

  • Decreased scheduler runtime by 50% while reducing the hardware footprint for crane related scheduling by 50%
  • Eliminated 1000+ unnecessary truck trips for shipping terminals through upgrading scheduling algorithms
  • Created CLI to simplify development environment builds and reduced startup by 50%
  • Improved test automation coverage for customer-specific apps using Groovy while enhancing proprietary automation framework
Software Engineer Intern - HRL Labratories
Python PyQt5 Haskell
May 2020 - Sep 2020

At HRL my focus was investigating projects to capitalize on predictive AI modern research.

  • Developed communication interface to allow transactions between critical modules by using ZeroMQ and Google Protobufs
  • Researched and implemented a task-embedding language using Python to interact with a predictive AI component
  • Simplified UI designs to better display results of machine-learning agents on small screen device using PyQt5
Software Engineer Intern (Android) - Giftz
Android Java MVVM
Sep 2018 - Nov 2018

I was soley responsible for updating the Giftz team mobile application. It was a great experience learning about how to work with legacy code. Making sure you can refactor code without wasting time rebuilding too much from scratch.

  • Revamped mobile application for fast-paced startup which was awarded Pepperdine Business’ 19-20 most fundable company
  • Decreased redundant code by 10% and increased maintainability by utilizing MVVM architectural pattern
  • Redesigned UI to be more intuitive and minimal while maintaining 20K+ line Java codebase


2018 - 2021
Bachelor of Computer Science
University of California, Los Angeles
GPA: 3.33 out of 4.0
2014 - 2018
Associates in Technology
Pierce Community College
GPA: 4.0 out of 4.0


VueJS TypeScript Python NodeJS
We want to bring tools to comic book store owners so that they can focus on their customers and maximize their profits in a more modern way.
Educational Videos
Python Manim
Educational Videos
Using 3Blue1Brown inspired manim library to visualize concepts

About Me

I started my development journey in mobile development. I had an Android phone at the time so with no prior application experience just went at it. It was hard. Very hard. Android specifically was a pretty hard first introduction to application development. But I kept going. Slowly I thought it made more sense to create cross platform applications in order to allow anyone to download a published applcation. Eventually I made the decision to learn about web development since it allows anyone to easily see your projects without needing to download anything. Learning how to code is not difficult but it takes time. At first it’s just a lot of jargon but that’s normal. Even while developming mobile applications I didn’t really understand databases. When I started web development I didn’t really get the difference between front end and backend. Focus around things you want to build and things get a little easier from there.

Get in Touch

My inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I’ll try my best to get back to you!